
DTN中基于节点价值的效用路由算法 被引量:3

Utility routing algorithm based on value of node in DTN
摘要 为了解决延迟容忍网络(DTN)中传统路由算法中消息被分配的网络资源不均衡及节点负载不均衡问题,结合消息效用值提出了一种基于节点价值的效用路由算法。算法根据动态改变的消息效用值选择最高优先级的消息(具有最小TTL和到目的节点最短距离的消息)进行转发,以使得为每个消息分配的网络资源相对均衡;同时,根据节点的价值(与节点速度和剩余缓存有关)选择下一跳节点,以平衡每个节点的负载;另外,算法还采用了一定的消息管理机制及时清除缓存空间。通过仿真实验及性能分析表明,该算法在传输成功率、传输延迟和网络开销上都有明显的改善。因此,通过充分利用网络资源提高了算法的整体性能。 In order to solve the problems that network resources allocated to messages were unbalanced and the load of node was not balanced in traditional routing algorithms in delay/disruption tolerant networks,this paper proposed a utility routing algorithm based on the value of node combined with the message utility.The algorithm selected the highest priority message(message with the least remaining TTL(time to live property) and the shortest distance to the destination) to forward based on message utility dynamic changing.It allowed allocating relatively balanced network resources to each message.Besides,it selected the next hop based on the value of node,which related to the speed and remaining buffer of the node.This work balanced the load of each node.What is more,it adopted some buffer management mechanisms to free buffer.Simulation results and performance analysis show that,this algorithm improves obviously delivery ratio,latency and overhead.Therefore,it improves overall performance of this algorithm by making full use of the network resources
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期3379-3382,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家"973"计划资助项目(2012CB315801) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61173167)
关键词 延迟容忍网络 路由算法 效用值 节点价值 缓存区管理 资源分配 负载均衡 delay/disruption tolerant network (DTN) routing algorithm utility . value of node buffer management resource allocation load balancing
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