以钝齿棒杆菌 (CorynebacteriumcrenatumMet-,Bio-,AECr,AHVr)的分批补料技术进行L -异亮氨酸 (L -ILE)发酵调控的研究。采用间歇恒速补料方式 ,当初糖浓度由 7%下降至 1 %~ 2 % ,补糖为 2 3g/L·h ,整个发酵过程糖浓度一直维持在 2 % ,μ、x值都提高 ,qp 为最大 ;L -亮氨酸产率达 1 7.4g/L ,产酸率提高 2 1 % ,结果明显优于分批培养。
The regulation of L -isoleucine fermentation with batch feeding culture by Corynebacterium crenatum (Met -, Bio -, AEC r, AHV r) was carried out. When 7% of the initial sugar concentration (w/v) decreased to 1%~2%, the sugar content in the culture was controlled at this level (1%~2%) by intermittent constant speed feeding (on the average of 23 g/L·h) throughout the fermentation. As a result,the values of both μ and x were increased and q p reached its maximum, The L isoleucine yield was up to 17.4g/l increased by 21%,compared with those of batch fermentation.
Industrial Microbiology