发状念珠藻 (NostocflagelliformeBorn .etFlah .)存在着两个重要而明显的个体发育阶段 ,即营养藻丝体和藻殖段。采用弱光 (铺垫砂粒遮光 ) ,红光或在白光下向培养基中加入DCMU (3,4_dichlorophenyl_1,1_dimethylurea)等方法 ,可促进营养藻丝体转变成藻殖段。用可见光吸收光谱、低温荧光发射光谱和光合放氧活性表示发状念珠藻藻丝体与藻殖段的光合特性 ,表明营养藻丝体和藻殖段的可见光吸收光谱和色素含量差别不大。而两者在不同光强范围 (110~ 12 0 0 μmol·m-2 ·s-1)和不同温度 (15~ 45℃ )下的光合放氧活性 ,表明发状念珠藻的藻殖段比营养藻丝体可能更适合在低光强下和较高的温度下生长。从荧光发射光谱可以看出 ,在光合能量传递中营养藻丝体比藻殖段在两个光系统之间的光能分配上更加均衡 ;但是藻殖段中藻胆体吸收光能向两个光系统的传递比营养藻丝体的更加有效。可以认为藻殖段的形成对光合作用的结构与功能产生影响。
Hormogonia of Nostoc flagelliforme is one of the developmental stages in the life cycle of cyanobacterium. High yields of pure hormogonia were obtained by weak light (the filaments were covered by sterilized sand for blocking light), red light, white light plus DCMU (3, 4_dichlorophenyl_1, 1_dimethylurea) in the culture. These pure fractions of hormogonia allowed the study of physiological measurements in comparison to vegetative filaments. The photosynthesis in the hormogonia and the vegetative filaments was characterized by fluorescence emission spectra at 77 K, absorption spectrum and oxygen evolution. Absorption spectrum of the hormogoia and vegetative filaments did not reveal difference. The data indicated the similarity of pigment contents between hormogonia and vegetative filaments. Some differences were observed in oxygen evolution of vegetative filaments and hormogonia in the temperature range of 15 ℃ to 45 ℃ and light intensity around 110 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 to 1?200 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 . The fluorescence emission spectra showed that energy distribution between the two photosystems in mature colonies was more balance than in hormogonia. The absorption of light energy in phycobilisomes and the transfer to the two photosystems in the hormogonia were more effective than in the mature colonies. It may be concluded that the formation of hormogonia affected on the structure and function of phytosynthesis.