
云计算服务用户持续使用的理论模型 被引量:3

An Empirical Study of Users' Continuous Usage of the Cloud Computing
摘要 通过梳理IS持续使用理论和服务管理中用户满意度研究的发展脉络,借鉴其成果并结合云计算信息系统的特点,提出了云计算服务用户满意度与持续使用的理论模型,并经过了实证检验.研究结果表明,云计算信息系统的系统质量和服务质量会影响用户的满意度,并且满意度与感知有用性一起影响用户的持续使用意图.使用IT知识存量和组织嵌入作为调节变量,分析了在不同的条件下,服务质量和系统质量等外生因素与用户满意度之间关系的变化.定义了云计算信息系统的系统质量、服务质量、用户感知有用性的测量维度和方法,这对云计算提供商有的放矢的提高系统质量和服务质量,提高云计算用户的有用性感知和满意度,进而促使其持续使用有直接的借鉴意义. Based on the effort of prior IS continuous usage theories and satisfaction researches in service management and combining the characteristic of the cloud computing , we obtain the theoretical model of users' satisfaction and continuous usage of the cloud computing and test it by empirical methodology. Results reveal that the service quality and system quality of the cloud computing system influence users' satisfaction, and satisfaction as well as perceived usefulness influence users' intention to use. We use IT knowledge capacity and organization embeddedness as moderating construct to analyse changes of the relationship between service quality, system quality and users' satisfaction under different conditions. We define the measurement dimension and methodology of service quality, system quality, perceived usefulness of the cloud computing system, that is instructive to enhance service quality and system quality of the cloud computing system, increase users' perceived usefulness and satisfaction, further promote users' continuous usage.
作者 刘鲁川 孙凯
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第17期129-139,共11页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 教育部人文社科规划基金(12YJA860010)
关键词 云计算服务 ECM—ISC 满意度 影响因素 cloud computing service ECM-ISC satisfaction influential factors
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