
内隐联想测验“内隐性”的可控性研究 被引量:6

The Controlability of the Implicitness of IAT
摘要 内隐测量工具的主要目的之一是获得未加任何粉饰的测量结果从而避免自我表现和社会称许性。本文通过四个实验考察了内隐联想测验(IAT)的可掩饰性、掩饰的持久性、掩饰的条件化和IAT经验的迁移性,结果显示:(1)被试可以掩饰其真实的内隐态度,从而使测得的个体或群体内隐态度失真;(2)IAT的可掩饰性需以先前的经验为基础,对IAT原理的掌握有助于成功实施掩饰;(3)IAT的可掩饰性具有时效性,先前IAT经验越久远,成功掩饰的可能性越低。总之,IAT并不能彻底避免社会称许性。 Social desirability may poison the results of an experiment and distort them,so it is necessary to control it in the research of psychology.IAT(implicit association test) was used frequently in the research of implicit social cognition,and it was regarded that IAT was immune of the social desirability.But it is a controversial issue now.Some psychologists argued that the results of IAT were stable, that is to say,they were not easily influenced by the social desirability.Others argued that the social desirability may be a distortion factor of results of an experiment.So the main purpose of this study examined whether the IAT could control social desirability effectively. Four experiments were conducted to investigate the fake - ability of the IAT,duration of the faking,the prerequisite of the faking and the transfer of the IAT experience.In experiment 1,we investigated whether it was possible for the participants to control the social desirability in IAT.In experiment 2,we investigated the duration of the faking in IAT.In experiment 3,we investigated the prerequisite of the faking.We explored whether their experiences were contributed to the faking in IAT.In experiment 4,we investigated the transfer of the IAT experience with different experimental materials.We found(1) The participants could cover up their true implicit attitudes through some kinds of response strategy,which made the individual implicit attitude and collective implicit attitude distorted.The typical strategy of faking was to balance the compatible and incompatible combinations by deliberately going slowly in compatible condition and responding rapidly for the incompatible condition.(2) The faking of IAT probably must be based on subjects' prior IAT experience. And the IAT experience needn' t belong to the same psychological or social domain.It would be helpful to fake the IAT successfully if the subjects' had known well the mechanism of IAT.(3 ) It seemed that the successful faking of IAT could only last for a given period of time.The nearer was the IAT experience,the higher was the possibility of successful faking.In summary,the subjects could intentionally control their implicit altitude measured by IAT at some extent,and IAT is not immune to the social desirability.Even so, compared with self - reported scales,IAT is more powerful to control the social desirability.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期799-805,共7页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 教育部人文社科研究基金青年项目(11 YJC880035) 江苏省社科基金(BH206901) 江苏省教育科学规划"十一五"课题(D/2009/01/145) 江苏省"青蓝工程"(Bu206801) 留学回国启动基金(A5206802)资助
关键词 内隐联想测验 社会称许性 职业刻板印象 可控性 Implicit Association Test(IAT) social desirability occupational stereotype controlability
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