
预期背离下奖励与惩罚的ERPs研究 被引量:5

The Neural Correlates of Expectancy Deviation and Punishment and Reward:An EPR Study
摘要 采用Flanker范式,通过事件相关电位(ERPs)技术,探讨预期背离情境下脑电生理活动与个体敏感性的关系。选取15名被试,采取2×2组内设计刺激类型(奖励vs.惩罚)和预期受挫(是vs.否);结果表明(1)预期受挫情境引发更高的FRN;(2)惩罚刺激引发更高的FRN,奖励刺激引发更高的P3;(3)惩罚敏感与惩罚、无奖励情境引发FRN相关。本实验结果表明(1)FRN既是反馈效价的加工,也是预期背离的一种表现;(2)无奖励刺激受惩罚系统调节,无惩罚刺激受奖励系统调节。 Reward and punishment play an important role in the study of human cooperation today.In our daily lives,it often happens that a person deserves being rewarded but the reward does not come,or he deserves being punished but the punishment does not come, either.Previous studies did not discuss much about the situation in which a person makes the right response but does not receive the reward he deserves,or the wrong response but does not receive the punishment.In this study,we try to explore how individuals' brain will respond to both of the two conditions we mentioned above using the Flanker experimental paradigm and ERP(Event - related potential) technology in order to find out what the neural processing mechanisms are for those rewards and punishments,as well as their FRN effects.We also try to analyze the relationship between the individuals neural mechanism and the Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory using the behavioral inhibition system(BIS) / behavioral approach system(BAS) analytical methods to reveal the psychological processing mechanism of punishment and reward. Here,we selected 15 candidates and conducted a 2- stimulus type(reward vs.punishment)×2 expectation deviated(Yes vs. No) experiment.All the 15 candidates were induced to accept all of the four experimental treatments.The results showed that(1) the individual's expectation that was deviated caused higher FRN;(2) when the individual was punished,a higher FRN appeared,and when he was rewarded,a higher P3 appeared;(3) there was no significant relationship between FRN and individuals sensitivity of being punished or failing to be rewarded.All those results above indicate;(1) if a person does not receive the reward he deserves,the effect caused will be the same as being punished and the correlation between BIS and FRN is confirmed.Individuals will experience a negative emotion.So we suggest that such condition may be adjusted by the punishment system;(2) when the expected punishment does not appear,individuals EEG will not work just as he has been rewarded,but he will experience a positive emotion here and that expected punishment does not appear is significantly associated with the FS scale.So we suggest that such condition may be adjusted by the reward system;(3 ) when people have been punished or rewarded,his emotional experience will be activated;the FRN generated in the study is caused by expectation being deviated and reinforcement sensitivity.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期806-810,共5页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 预期背离 强化敏感 FRN ERPS expectancy deviation social comparison reinforcement sensitivity FRN
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