
关系复杂性对关系类别间接性学习中选择性注意的影响 被引量:16

The Influence of Relational Complexity upon Selective Attention During the Indirect Learning of Relational Category
摘要 以大学生为被试,使用关系复杂性逐渐变化的实验材料,采用类别的间接性学习范式,通过三个实验任务,探讨关系复杂性对关系类别间接性学习中选择性注意的影响。结果发现:随着关系复杂性的逐渐增高,被试的选择性注意水平不存在显著差异,但选择性注意的指向性存在极其显著差异,参照条件选择性注意水平极其显著地高于个人条件,主要表现在指向性方面。 Relational category means that identification of category is determined by a common relation structure.People are more inclined to use indirect means to learn category knowledge in daily life,such as referential communication.Indirect category learning means that learners interact with their objects and learn category knowledge indirectly.Previous studies,which mainly focused on the characteristics of category learning by the direct category learning paradigm,did not combine the indirect category learning paradigm and relational category with no focus on the influence of the relational complexity upon selective attention during the indirect learning of relational category.Thus,this study designed three experimental tasks(functional prediction task,liberal classification task and dimensions selection task) to explore the influence of the relational complexity upon selective attention during the indirect learning of relational category. The study designed three kinds of experimental materials:four features' complex relation(including eight samples),six features' complex relation plus second-order same function simple relation(including 16 samples) and six features' complex relation plus second -order different function simple relation(including 16 samples).The total participants were 216 undergraduate students evenly divided into males and females.They were randomly assigned to the group of indirect category learning of individual functional prediction (72 persons) and the group of indirect category learning relation to referential communication(144 persons),and evenly divided into males and females(randomly paired with the same sex).Then the participants were randomly assigned to three learning groups evenly divided into males and females.The three experimental tasks were carried out continuously,and the participants involving in functional relation interpretation under the two conditions relating to liberal classification tasks performed dimensional selection tasks.Dimensional selection tasks made by MANOVA analysis of the relativity of the dimensional average of the participants revealed under the two learning conditions to explore the influence of the relational complexity upon the selective attention during the indirect learning of relational category, of the relativity of relative dimensional average under the two learning conditions to explore the influence of the relational complexity upon the directivity of selective attention during the indirect learning of relational category,and of the relativity of non-relative dimensional average under the two learning conditions to explore the influence of the relational complexity upon the concemtration of selective attention(the inhibition of non-relative dimension) during the indirect learning of relational category. The present study indicates that among dimensions selection tasks of three relational categories the relativity of dimensional number under the referential condition is significantly higher than that under the individual condition.Specifically,there is a significant difference between the relativity of relative dimensional number and individual condition under the referential condition,but there is no significant difference between the relativity of non-relative dimensional number and individual condition under the referential condition.With the increasing relational complexity of relational category learning material,there is no significant difference among the results of dimensional selection.With the increasing relational complexity of relational category learning material,there is a strikingly stark difference among the results of relative dimensional selection.With the increasing relational complexity of relational category learning material, there is no salient difference among the results of non-relative dimensional selection. The study shows that the influence of the relational complexity upon selective attention during the indirect learning of relational category mainly found expression in die directivity of selective attention but not in the the concemtration of selective attention(the inhibition of non-relative dimension),and the influence of the relational complexity upon overall selective attention was not significant.The participants' overall level of selective attention under the referential condition was strikingly significantly higher than that under the individual condition,and was not influenced by the relational complexity,which suggested that the influence mainly found expression in the directivity of selective attention but not in the the concemtration of selective attention.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期823-828,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 天津市教育科学"十二五"规划重点课题(HE2014) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地基金项目(06JJDXLX003)的资助
关键词 关系复杂性 关系类别 间接性学习 参照性交流 选择性注意 relational complexity relational category indirect learning referential communication selective attention
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