
美国大学教学学术研究20年:成绩、问题与展望 被引量:16

20 Years of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in U.S.: Achievements, Problems and Prospects
摘要 1990年,博耶在《学术反思:教授工作的重点》中针对美国研究型大学不重视本科阶段教育、"重科研,轻教学"及"不发表,就解聘"等情况,建议拓展学术内涵,并倡导"教学学术"。教学学术随即发展成为一项全国运动,并波及欧美其他国家。大学教学学术的理论研究逐渐成熟,实践也全面展开。然而,教学学术依然存在诸多的理论争议和实践障碍。 In 1990,Boyer advocated “the scholarship of teaching”in his book, “Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities for the Professoriate”. Under the development of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, the scholarship of teaching became a nationwide influential academic movement, and spread to Europe and other countries. After 20 years of development, the theory of the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education has become gradually mature, and the practice has been fully spread out. However, there are still many theoretical arguments and practice barriers in the development of the scholarship of teaching and learning.
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第9期29-33,共5页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 博耶 卡内基教学促进会 教学学术 美国 Boyer The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching the scholarship ofteaching and learning America
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