
诺如病毒GII/12型引起的急性胃肠炎暴发影响因素非条件Logistic回归分析 被引量:4

Logistic regression analysis on influential factors of acute gastroenteritis outbreak aroused by norovius GII/12 infecton
摘要 目的分析1起学校内诺如病毒GII/12感染引起的急性胃肠炎的暴发流行特征和影响因素。方法采用现场流行病学调查方法,结合临床表现及实验室检测结果进行分析。结果本次急性胃肠炎暴发罹患率43.52%(1 252/2677),单因素分析和多因素Logistic回归分析显示,在学校食堂就餐、在学校住宿和喝生水为本次暴发相关因素。结论学校生活用水污染和在校住宿密切接触是诺如病毒GII/12感染引起的急性胃肠炎暴发并快速传播的原因。 Objective To analyze the epidemic characteristics and influential factors of acute gastroenteritis outbreak aroused by Norovirus GII/12 in a middle school.Method Adopte the investigation method of field epidemiology,and combine clinical manifestation and laboratory testing data.Results The attack rate of this cute gastroenteritis was 43.52%,(namely,1 252 of the total 2 677 students were affected).Mono-factor and multi-factor logistic regression analysis showed that eating in school canteen,boarding in school and drinking unboiled water were the important influential factors relevant to Norovirus GII/12 infection.Conclusions Pollution living water and close contact in boarding school were the key reasons of the outbreak and rapid spread of acute gastroenteritis.
出处 《医学动物防制》 2012年第8期855-856,共2页 Journal of Medical Pest Control
关键词 诺如病毒 感染性腹泻 暴发 Norovirus Acute gastroenteritis Outbreak
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