Five species in the genus Plectania from Xizang are reported.Two of them are new records to China, i.e. Plectania rhytidia in which surface of ascospore has 10~13 transverse furrows,and spores are larger than those of P.platensis and P.kohnii;and Pleclania nannfeldtii having dark apothecia with hairs on external surface,angular cells in ecta exciple,asci tapering towards base,non-septate hymenial hairs,and lignicolous habit.The Tibetan collechon of Plectania melastoma has external surface of apothecia encrusted with brick red granules which are dissolved in different concentration of KOH. The solution turns into rose,vinaceous,and lilac.The granules covered on the external surface except for the margin, which is the same as specimens reported from India. A single collection with very small and sessile apothecia was identified as Urnula helvelloides and transferred by Zhuang (1998) to Neournula because of its very low 'spore markings' recently.At present,the writer would put it in Plectina rather than in Neournula until more specimens collected and strong evidences found. All examined specimens are deposited in the Herbarium of Xizang Institute of Ecology (HXZE),Linzhi,Xizang (Tibet), a part of collection of HXZE 1115 and HXZE 1145 also in HMAS,numbered as HMAS 72021 and HMAS 72022,respectively.