
高粱炭疽病重要流行环节的初步研究 Ⅱ.分生孢子盘产孢、孢子飞散传播 被引量:1

Primary Study on Important Epidemic Links of Sorghum Anthracnose Ⅱ.The Sporulation of Acervulus and Spores Flying
摘要 通过室内和田间观察试验,对高粱炭疽病的重要流行环节——分生孢子盘产孢、孢子飞散传播进行了研究,以期为该病害的防治提供理论依据。结果表明:保湿时间、温度和光照条件与高粱炭疽病分生孢子盘产孢量的多少有直接关系,即保湿时间越长,产孢量越多,其关系符合回归方程y=165×EXP{-3.326 764×EXP〔-0.302 4(x-3)〕}(r=0.99);温度与产孢量间的关系符合回归方程y=226×Sin2(-0.619 048x+0.157 738 0x2-0.000 744 0x3)(r=0.91);在散射光条件下的产孢能力与在黑暗条件下没有显著性差异。昼夜孢子的释放量没有明显差异;植株上孢子的垂直分布情况有显著规律性,从顶叶至底叶孢子的分布呈递增趋势,病斑的田间分布呈随机分布。 The sporulation of acervulus and spores flying of sorghum anthracnose were investigated by lab observation and field observation.The results indicated that humidity time,temperature and light condition were directly related to the sporulation capacity of acervulus.There was positive correlation between humidity time and the sporulation capacity,the longer the humidity time,the more the spores,according with the regression equation y=165×EXP{-3.326 764×EXP(-0.302 4(x-3))}(r=0.99).The regression equation of temperature and the sporulation capacity was y=226×Sin2(-0.619 048x+0.157 738 0x2-0.000 744 0x3)(r=0.91).There was no significant difference of the sporulation capacity in the scattering light condition or in dark condition.And there was also no obvious difference of the spores release during day or night.The vertical distribution of spores on plants had significant regularity,and manifested an increasing trend from the parietal lobe to the bottom leaves.The distribution of disease spots in the field was random.
出处 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期80-83,共4页 Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences
基金 吉林省科技发展计划项目(20050812)
关键词 高粱炭疽病 产孢 孢子飞散 空间分布型 sorghum anthracnose sporulation spores flying spatial distribution
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