The reflecting of a single attosecond pulse from a periodic Mo/Si multilayer was investigated. By changing the number of bi-layers, the periodic multilayer showed greatly different spectral and temporal responses of the attosecond pulse reflection, which has been discussed in detail in this paper. The capability of attosecond pulse reflection of the periodic multilayers with different bi-layer numbers has been evaluated using suitable temporal parameters. In addition, the condition for obtaining high-efficiency reflected pulses has been analyzed by comparing the pulse responses of the periodic multilayer with different layers. The transfer-matrix method together with the fast Fourier transform has been used in our simulation.
The reflecting of a single attosecond pulse from a periodic Mo/Si multilayer was investigated. By changing the number of bi-layers, the periodic multilayer showed greatly different spectral and temporal responses of the attosecond pulse reflection, which has been discussed in detail in this paper. The capability of attosecond pulse reflection of the periodic multilayers with different bi-layer numbers has been evaluated using suitable temporal parameters. In addition, the condition for obtaining high-efficiency reflected pulses has been analyzed by comparing the pulse responses of the periodic multilayer with different layers. The transfer-matrix method together with the fast Fourier transform has been used in our simulation.