关角隧道为青藏铁路西(西宁)格(格尔木)二线控制工程。为了更好地解决关角隧道富水区防排水问题,以关角隧道水文地质为工程背景,采用有限元方法建立地下水注浆控制排放模型,对三叠系砂岩富水段进行模拟分析。分别分析了注浆止水圈渗透系数与厚度、节点流量的变化关系,得知富水区隧道注浆圈的控制参数具有其经济适用范围,并不是越大越好或越小越好;根据流量的变化过程验证了隧址区地下水位的变化情况;最后得出对于富水区隧道修建,取注浆圈厚度为3 m,渗透系数控制在2.1×10-3m/d较为经济合理。研究成果对富水区隧道控制地下水排放、减轻对环境水资源的破坏具有一定的借鉴作用和指导意义。
Guanjiao tunnel is the key works of the Second XiningGeermu Railway. The control and discharging of the groundwater is modeled and the sandy waterrich ground section is simulated by means of finite element method, so as solve the waterproofing and drainage problem of the waterrich section of Guanjiao tunnel. The relationship among the permeability coefficient of the waterstop circle, the thickness and the node flow amount is analyzed. Conclusions drawn are as follows : the parameters of the grouting circle in the waterrich section should be controlled in a certain range ; the situation of the groundwater is verified by the node flow variation process ; in the construction of tunnel in waterrich sec tion, the thickness of the grouting circle should be 3 m and the permeability coefficient should be 2.1 x 10 3 m/d. The paper can provide reference for the control and release of the groundwater in tunneling so as to minimize the impact on the water resource environment.
Tunnel Construction
Guanjiao tunnel
water-rich section
grouting circle parameter
controlled discharge
water-proofingand drainage