:Internet的迅速发展 ,对图书馆的影响是深远的。而分类编目工作是图书馆的基础工作 ,各馆投入的人力和设备也几乎是最优秀和最精良的 ,但处于“后方”的工作性质很难让读者感觉到它的存在。如今 ,网上资源如此丰富 ,图书馆现代化程度如此之高 ,如何很好地利用网上资源来提高工作效率 ,控制书目的品质 ,实现一次分编 ,多次使用 ,达到资源共享的目的 ,是本文要论及的。
Classification and cataloging work was the basic work of library,every library used the best humen and equipments in order to finish this work very well.With the development of Internet,libraries must improve the work rate and control the quality of bibliography.How to realize the using more through librarians classify and catalog once and resources sharing were also discussed in the paper.
The Library Journal of Henan