
大众传播中法制节目的定位 被引量:1

Positioning of the Rule of Law Programs in Mass Communication
摘要 改革开放以后,特别是随着社会转型期的到来,人们法制意识逐步增强,社会和人民群众对法律问题的关注度以及对法律的求知欲逐渐提升。电视法制节目作为大众传播的一个部分,推动法制建设和增强民众法制意识其功不可没。然而,传播进程中的问题和误区也不断显现,致使传播的影响力相对减弱。本文结合大众传播的功能,提出法制节目的定位,或有借鉴意义。 After reform and opening up, especially with the gradual increase of the social transformation of people's legal awareness, the attention of society and the masses of the legal issues as well as the thirst for knowledge of the law is gradually enhanced. TV legal programs as a part of mass communication, and promote the building of the legal system and enhance the public legal awareness of credit. However, the problems and errors in the communication process has grown increasingly apparent, resulting in the spread of influence is relatively weakened. This paper combines the functions of mass communication, positioning for legal programs, or provide some reference.
作者 赵鹏 赵佳颖
出处 《科教导刊》 2012年第23期249-250,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
关键词 大众传播 法制 电视节目 mass communication law TV programs
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