
基于光学影像匹配技术的地震形变场提取研究 被引量:1

Study on the Seismic Deformation Field Extraction Based on the Optical Image Matching Technique
摘要 文中对光学影像偏移量跟踪技术进行了研究。采用1999年美国赫克托矿Mw7.1级地震的震前、震后SPOT2和SPOT4影像组成的数据对,用频率域相位相关技术和傅里叶偏移理论求取光学影像对应像素之间的偏移量。在去除了地形误差、系统误差和卫星平台姿态变化等误差之后,实现了精度达分米级的正射校正和配准,得到了1999年美国赫克托矿Mw7.1级地震地表水平方向形变场。结果揭示的地表断裂带位置清晰,断层的特征与野外调查的测量结果十分吻合,显示了光学影像匹配技术在监测地表形变方面的巨大应用价值。 In the paper,the author mainly discuss the optical image offset_tracking technology.It obtains the image corresponding to pixel offset using the frequency domain phase correlation technique and Fourier migration theory with the Pre_seismic and Post_seismic SPOT images of the Mw7.1 earthquake happened in the United States Hector in 1999.The author achieves the accuracy of decimeter level of the orthophoto correction and registration,and gets the surface horizontally deformation field of the Mw7.1 earthquake happened in the United States Hector in 1999 after removing topographic error,systematic error and satellite platform attitude changes.The results reveal that the surface rupture zone is clearly,the characteristics of faults are in good agreement with the measured results.And then,the results show the huge application value of the optical image matching technique in monitoring ground deformation.
出处 《矿山测量》 2012年第4期20-24,6,共5页 Mine Surveying
基金 湖南省科技厅重大专项2008FJ1006<湖南省极端气象灾害预警评估技术体系研究与示范> 湖南省高校创新平台开放基金项目09K006极化干涉SAR地形高程测量关键技术研究 2010~2012湖南省高校创新平台开放基金项目09K005 DInSAR可检测的最大和最小地表形变梯度的函数模型研究 2010~2012 2011年国家大学生创新训练立项项目AL11495<我国西部冰川的变化和运动监测> 2011~2012
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