
“经文辩读”与“诠释的循环” 被引量:8

“Scriptural Reasoning” and “Hermeneutical Circle”
摘要 西方学界的"经文辩读"必然涉及一系列根本的诠释学命题,将"经文辩读"从亚伯拉罕传统内的宗教对话扩展到中西之间,传教士对中国经典的译解活动则堪称最为典型的案例。要破解其中"意义的确定性"和"文化身份"之难题,就必须彻底摆脱"建构性主体"与"投射性他者"的话语逻辑;而"诠释的循环"以及"不可能的可能性"恰好可以为目前的"经文辩读"理论提供必要的补充;传教士在译解中国经典过程中的身份游移,西方概念既为中国思想"命名",又使中国思想进入西方概念系统的悖论,则是在多元处境中重新理解价值共识的生动经验。 The Scriptural Reasoning movement, promoted by many religious scholars in the west, has incorporated a series of crucial hermeneutical propositions. If we extend the movement from the dia- logues within the Abrahamic traditions to the dialogue between the East and West, then the translation and interpretation of Chinese classics by western missionaries can be regarded as profitable case stud- ies. If we want to solve the problems of the "constitutive subject" and the "projected others" complete- ly, we must thoroughly get rid of the discourse logic of "determinate meaning" and "cultural identity. " Here the "hermeneutical circle" and the "impossible possibility" can provide a necessary supplement to the current theories of Scriptural Reasoning. In the process of translating and interpreting the Chinese classics, the missionaries underwent a shift of identity. The missionaries used western concepts to name Chinese ideas and thus paradoxically brought Chinese ideas into western conceptual systems, providing a lively experience of understanding common values anew in a pluralistic context.
作者 杨慧林
出处 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期8-15,共8页 Journal of Renmin University of China
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“中国古代经典英译本汇释汇校”(10&ZD108)
关键词 经文辩读 诠释的循环 意义的确定性 动词性逻辑 scriptural reasoning hermeneutical circle determinate meaning verbal logic
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