
网络资源、创业导向与在孵企业绩效研究——基于大连国家级创业孵化基地的实证分析 被引量:25

A Study on Network Resources,Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance of Incubated Enterprises: An Empirical Analysis Based on National Business Incubation Bases in Dalian
摘要 孵化器的经济效益和社会效益得到社会的广泛认可,也引起了很多学者的关注,其中如何提高孵化绩效是诸多研究的焦点。不同以往研究,这篇文章从在孵企业的视角出发,以"机会导向"和"资源导向"两种战略观为依据对在孵企业创业动机进行划分,集中研究了孵化器掌握的网络资源对不同创业导向在孵企业绩效的影响差异性。文章以大连国家级高新技术产业孵化器园区355家在孵企业为实证研究样本,验证了网络资源与孵化绩效的关系及不同创业导向发挥的中介作用,并最终得到了不同网络资源条件下两种企业创业导向的绩效差异模型,该模型对分析创新环境与创业导向的匹配性和指导在孵企业创业实践方面具有理论和现实价值。 Incubators’ economic and social benefits have got social recognition and attracted many scholars’ attention.The focus of those researches is how to improve the incubation performance.According to the two strategy concepts of "opportunity orientation" and "resources orientation",this paper divided incubated enterprises’ venture intention from incubated enterprises’ perspective,and analyzed differences of incubators network resources’ impact on incubated enterprises’ performance with different entrepreneurial orientation.This paper analyzed 231 effective questionnaires from Dalian National High and New Technology Industry Incubators Park,and tested the relation between network resources and incubation performance,and analyzed the mediating effect of different entrepreneurial orientations.According to the analysis of questionnaire data,we got the performance difference model of incubated enterprises with different entrepreneurial orientation and under different network resources condition.What’s more,the model plays important theoretical and practical significance on the matching effect between innovative milieu and entrepreneurial orientation,and does well to incubated enterprises’ entrepreneurship practice. =
作者 李宇 张雁鸣
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第8期98-110,共13页 China Soft Science
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71103027) 国家自然科学基金项目(71172118) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(10YJC790154) 辽宁省社科联经济社会发展课题(2012lslktziglx-09)
关键词 网络资源 创业导向 孵化器 孵化绩效 network resources entrepreneurial orientation incubator incubation performance
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