
心房颤动的药物治疗进展 被引量:1

Progress of Pharmalogical Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation
摘要 药物治疗一直是心房颤动处理的基本和主要方法,传统上分为心室率控制、节律控制和抗凝三个方面。合理和规范化联合用药对于控制心房颤动症状以及并发的心力衰竭、脑梗死是十分重要的。此外,为了优化药物或其他高级方案的正确选用,心房颤动新的分类、心电图诊断时的疑难要点、美国脑卒中风险评分CHADS2和欧洲CHA2DS2VASc的异同是研究的重点。 Pharmalogicacol therapy has been the basic and mainstay method in management of atrial fibrillation.This method classically includes 3 aspects of rate control,rhythm control and anti-coagulation.In order to control symptoms as well as complicated heart failure and stroke,rational and standardized use,and combination of medications are paramount.The new classification of the disease,some tricky points in electrocardiographic diagnosis,and comparison between American stroke risk score CHADS2 and European CHA2DS2VASc are important points to be studied so that the choice of drug use or other advanced therapies can be optimized.
出处 《医学综述》 2012年第16期2596-2599,共4页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 心房颤动 药物治疗 分类 室率和节律控制 抗凝 Atrial fibrillation Drug therapy Classification Rate and rhythm control Anti-coagulation
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