
评国内外学界在金融和经济危机实质问题上的分歧 被引量:1

Evaluation on the Divergence on the Financial and Economic Crisis Essence Question of Scholars' at Home and Abroad
摘要 关于这次源自美国的国际金融和经济危机的实质,国内外学界众说纷纭,观点林立,其中有一些观点,不仅在理论上,而且在方法论上,都充满了非科学性。危机的实质不是直观地呈现在人们面前的,必须运用抽象法,通过对危机过程一系列现象由表及里的分析才能揭示出来。此次金融和经济危机所表现出来的现象和特点,虽然千奇百怪,但万变不离其宗,生产过剩仍然是普遍的、基本的、一般的、具有实质性的现象和特征。金融和经济危机的实质,只能是与劳动群众有支付能力需求相对应的生产的过剩。 About the essence of the international financial and economic crisis from the United States,scholars at home and abroad have vary opinions,some points,not only in theory,but also in methodology,is full of non-scientificalness.The essence of the crisis is not present directly in front of people,must use abstract method,through analyzing a series of phenomenon of the crisis process can be revealed out.The characteristics of financial and economic crisis shown by the phenomenon,although all sorts of strange things,but the overproduction is still common,basic,general and substantial characteristics.The essence of financial and economic crisis can only be the excess production demand corresponding to the laboring people's ability to pay.
作者 张作云
出处 《河北经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期25-31,共7页 Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business
基金 国家社科基金项目"<资本论>与当代资本主义金融危机研究"的阶段性成果(09BKS035)
关键词 有效需求不足 信用危机 过度消费 生产过剩 insufficient effective demand credit crisis excessive consumption overproduction
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