
儿童青少年抗阻练习研究 被引量:1

The Study of Resistance Exercise on Children and Adolescents
摘要 儿童和青少年进行抗阻练习能提高肌肉力量、增强骨骼密度、减少受伤几率和改善心理状况。但儿童青少年的身体和心理都还不够成熟,练习中容易出现风险。为规避风险,不仅需注重指导,还需注重准备活动、练习器材、练习强度与运动量。 The children and adolescents who participate in resistance exercise can increase muscle strength, strengthen bone densi- ty, reduce the risk of injury and improve psychological status. But they prone to increase the risk in the course of practice because of the immature both physically and mentally. To avoid risks, we need to pay attention to guidance, warming activities, exercise equipment, exercise intensity and amount.
作者 韩二涛 王欣
出处 《吉林体育学院学报》 2012年第4期82-84,共3页 Journal of Jilin Sport University
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(DC110426)
关键词 儿童青少年 抗阻练习 肌肉力量 骨骼密度 Children and adolescents resistance exercise muscle strength bone density
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