1Doscher Barbara M.The Functional unity Of The Singing Voice.The Scarecrow press, Inc.1994.
2Hines Jerome, Great Singers On Great singing.New York.1982.
3Mackworth--Young Gerard.What happens in smng: a short Manual of vocal Mechanics and technique.Pitman Publishing Corporation, New York, 1953.
4Mckinney James C.The Diagnosis & Correction of vocal Faults,Waveland Press, 1nc.1994.
5Miller, Richard, English, French, German and Italian techniques of singing: a study in national tonal preferences and how they relate to functional efficiency.Metuchen, N.J.1977.
6Cornelt MacNeil, Warning, this book maybe injurious to your vocal health.Copyright 1982 by Jerome Hines.On page 22, 26, 83.