韩国的化妆品产业在遭受了亚洲金融风暴的袭击以后 ,在经济低迷的情况下 ,把科研开发作为“向未来的投资” ,在法规方面尽量与国际接轨 ,推进皮肤科学研究 ,开发一系列功能性原料 ,深入化妆品效能测试 ,取得了令人瞩目的成果。
The Korean cosmetic industry has now experienced big changes such as recession due to foreign currency crisis,which results elimination of the“bubble”and corporate structural adjustment.Decreasing in sales caused by the withered spending,polarization of consumption,bankruptcy found in some companies,market power produced by inroads of multinational megacorporation,change in chanel of distribution,these factors have made a change in the situation of global market structure.While consumption is generally stagnant,demand for cosmetics of high performance is increasing,consequently,cosmetic researches are going towards nature-oriented products and those of higher performance.On technical development,studies on various subjects are to be proceeded,namely,control of melanin formation,prevention of skin-aging and wrinkle formation,prevention and treatment of acne,alleviation of skin irritation,development of the system absorbing selectively the effective ingredients into the skin,technical development for stabilizing the active ingredients into the skin,methods of evaluating instrumentally and scientifically efficacy of the cosmetic products thus developped.
Detergent & Cosmetics