The Confucian learning aims at becoming an authentic person. In order to achieve this goal disciplining the mind-heart is necessary, which, in turn, should be supported by the cultivation of qi, the source of all beings. With such a view in mind quite a number of Song and Ming Confucians tended to practice the Taoist breathing exercise named inner alchemy in their self-cultivation. Thereby, they believed, one can transform one's qi-constitution or what is given by heaven. If the transformation goes beyond one's own self and extends to the human world and even the whole universe, then the idea of what the late Ming Confucian Wang Fuzhi (16191692) called "assisting heaven" and that of what the mid-Qing Taoist master Min Yide (17581836) called "curing the world" - which are quite similar to mysticism in the Christian tradition - are born. But there is a big difference between Wang and Min in that Wang's ultimate concern is not individual salvation but the wellbeing of the whole humankind, as is characteristic of Confucianism.
Journal of Chinese Literature and History