
219例下肢静脉曲张患者的中医证型分布调查分析 被引量:5

Investigation on the Distribution of TCM Syndrome Types in 219 Cases of Lower Limb Varicosity
摘要 目的:通过整理219例下肢静脉曲张患者的临床资料,分析其证型分布,探讨中医证型与性别和慢性静脉功能不全CEAP分级的关系。方法:回顾性调查219例下肢静脉曲张患者的证型分布、性别和CEAP分级,进行统计学分析。结果:CEAP分级C4级患者最多,C3级次之;其中C2~C3级女性多于男性,C4~C6级的男性多于女性;证型以气滞血瘀型为最多,劳倦伤气型次之。劳倦伤气和湿热下注证型中女性多于男性,气滞血瘀和气血两虚证则男性居多。劳倦伤气证多见于C2~C3,气滞血瘀证多见于C4,而气血两虚证只见于C6。结论:劳倦伤气证和气滞血瘀证最常见;疾病早期女性多见,中晚期则男女差异不大;CEAP分级中C分级与中医证型有一定的对应关系,劳倦伤气证多见于C2~C3,气滞血瘀证多见于C4,而气血两虚证只见于C6。 Objective : To explore the distribution law of TCM syndromes in lower limb varicose, and discuss the corre- lations between TCM syndromes, gender and CEAP classification. Methods: Retrospective investigation and statistical a- nalysis on TCM syndrome types, gender and CEAP classification of 219 patients of lower limb varicosity were made. Results: C4 was the most common classification in CEAP, followed by C3. More female than male can be seen in C2 to C3 ,but more male than female in C4 to C6. Qi stagnation and blood stasis is the most common TCM syndrome type in low-er limb varicosity, followed by over - strain injured Qi syndrome. More female than male can be seen in Over - strain in- jured Qi syndrome and downward damp - heat syndrome, but more male than female in Qi stagnation and blood stasis syn- drome and Qi and blood deficiency syndomre. Over - strain injured Qi syndrome is the most common TCM syndrome type in C2 to C3 , also Qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome in C4, and Qi and blood deficiency syndrome can only be seen in C6. Conclusions: Over- strain injured Qi syndrome and Qi stagnation and blood stasis syndomre are the most common TCM syndrome types in lower limb varicosity. More female than male can be seen in the early stage, but little difference in gender in advanced stage. Some corresponding relations can be seen between clinical classification of CEAP with TCM syndrome types ; over - strain injured Qi syndrome is the most common TCM syndrome type in C2 to C3, also Qi stagna- tion and blood stasis syndrome in C4, and Qi and blood deficiency syndrome can only be seen in C6.
出处 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2012年第9期2137-2139,共3页 Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 下肢静脉曲张 中医证型 CEAP分级 :lower limb varicosity TCM syndrome types CEAP
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