目的早期发现高血压患者血压正常子女在高血压发生之前的异常表现,通过干预,以期延缓甚至预防高血压患者血压正常子女未来高血压及一些代谢性疾病的发生。方法选取我院体检中心高血压患者血压正常的子代亲属80例作为试验组,父母双方只有一方患有高血压的40例为单亲组,父母双方均患有高血压的40例为双亲组,血压正常的非高血压子代亲属40例作为对照组,分别对三组患者行动态血压监测及胰岛素抵抗检测。结果 (1)双亲组和单亲组TC、TG、BMI差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(2)双亲组和单亲组的24hDBP、SBP、MAP差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);但双亲组和单亲组的24h平均及昼夜血压负荷值水平与正常组比较,差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.001);(3)双亲组和单亲组IRI、IAI、SG与正常组比较差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论有高血压家族史血压正常的子女,在血压正常时已出现血压负荷值升高,并在早期出现胰岛素抵抗现象,因此血压负荷值水平与胰岛素抵抗现象可能可以预测有高血压家族史血压正常人的血压发展倾向。
Objective To find abnormal expression before hypertension on normotenswe onsprmg wire family history of hypertension, and hence prevent or slow metabolic disease occurring in normotensive offspring with family history of hypertension by intervention. Methods Eighty normotensive offspring with family history of hy- pertension were selected as study group, forty cases with hypertension from one parent as one-parent group, forty cas- es with hypertension from two parents as two-parents group. Forty normal blood pressure offspring with nonhypertension as the control group. Building monitoring ambulatory blood pressure and testing insulin resistant for all three groups. Results There were no significant differences in TC, TG, BMI; there were no significant differences in DBP, SBP, MAP ; but there were significant differences in the level of blood pressure load in 24 hours-average and day-night between one-parent group and two-parents group (P〈0.001); there were significant differences in IRI, IAI, SG (P〈0.001). Conclusion The normotensive offspring with family history of hypertension because of heredity, the value of blood pressure load was raised and insulin resistance appeared at first when the hypertension normalization, so the level of blood pressure load and the insulin resistance would predict the trend of blood pressure in the normotensive offspring with family history of hypertension.
Hainan Medical Journal
Generation Offspring
Ambulatory blood pressure
Insulin resistance