
高兹的消费异化批判理论评析 被引量:3

Comments on Critique Theory of Gorz's Consumption Alienation
摘要 高兹在反思资本主义现代化时敏锐地认识到,在发达资本主义社会中,消费日益远离其满足人们需要的原本的价值和意义,成为人们为补偿异化劳动而致力于获得虚假需求商品的现象。在高兹看来,消费异化是以追求利润为唯一目的的资本主义生产方式的逻辑必然。资本主义生产方式不但为利润而制造消费品,而且为利润而创造虚假需求,诱导人们把消费的多少作为衡量幸福的标准和尺度。消费异化不仅加剧了生态危机和社会不平等,而且导致人的非人化,也消解了人们的批判能力和反抗意识,成为控制社会的新手段。摆脱异化消费就要全面改造资本主义生产方式和工业系统,破除"越多越好"的高消费观念,引导人们在生产领域中寻求满足。高兹深刻地批判当代资本主义为实现资本获利的目的鼓励异化消费,严厉谴责资本主义颠倒了人与商品的关系、把人扭曲成消费机器的现象,加深了我们对资本主义制度所固有的矛盾和弊端的认识。受高兹消费批判理论的启迪,我国在现代化的进程中必须克服物质主义倾向,以人为本推进物质文明,培育尊重自然、以人为本、崇尚精神满足的消费模式,并使之成为全体公民所追求的生活价值取向。 While rethinking capitalistic modernization, Gorz was keen to know that in developed capitalistic countries consumption had gone away from man's original and basic value and meaning, and had become a phenomenon that people tried to acquire false demand goods for compensating alienated labor. In his view, consumption alienation came from a necessary logic of capitalistic mode of production, chasing for interests. The mode of production made consumer goods not only for benefit but also for false demand, and misled the criterion and measure of man~ happiness by highlighting their volume of consumption. Consumption alienation is deepening ecological crisis and social unfairness as well as leading man inhuman, and it can dispel people" s awareness of critique and rebellion, being a new way to ruling the society. To eliminate the alienation, we should reform capitalistic mode of production and industrial system in an all-round way, break high consump- tion concept of "the more, the better", leading people to get satisfaction in production field. Gorz had criti- cized modern capitalism and its encouraging consumption for obtaining profit, condemned the relationship re- versal of man and goods in capitalism, that is, changing man to machine for consumption, which deepened our understanding of capitalistic contradiction and weaknesses. In the guidance of Gorz's critique theory of con- sumption, we should overcome the trend of materialism in modernization process, taking people at first to pro- mote material civilization, foster nature worship, advocate spiritual satisfaction consumption and make these become all citizens'orientation of living and value.
作者 刘晓芳
出处 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第9期29-33,共5页 Academic Exchange
关键词 高兹 异化消费 生态危机 消费方式 Gorz alienated consumption ecological crisis consumption mode
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