Objective To investigate serum CA19-9 levels in patients with biliary calculous disease. Methods Clinical data of 64 patients with biliary calculus, including 14 cases with acute cholangtis and 50 cases with chronic cholangitis were ret- rospectively reviewed. The relationship of serum CA19-9 levels with serum bilirubin and acute cholangitis were analyzed. Results The average serum CA19-9 in 64 cases of biliary calculous disease was 193.7kU/L, and the increased CA19-9 levels were detected in 54.7%(35/64) patients. CA19-9 levels were correlated with serum bilirubin levels (r=0.303,P=0.015). The average serum CA19-9 levels were 328.9kU/L in acute cholangitis, and 155.81kU/L in chronic chotangitis (t=3.271,P=0.002). Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that the bilirubin and acute cholangitis were independent risk factors of CA19-9 levels. Nine out of 64 patients had CA19-9〉400kU/L and six patients had CA19-9〉800kU/L, in whom 5 were acute cholangitis and 1 was chronic cholangitis case (X2=10.82,P〈0.01). In the patients with elevated serum CA19-9 levels, the CA19-9 levels reduced when obstructive jaundice was relieved (Z=-2.28,P=0.043). Conclusion The CA19-9 levels are related to serum bilirubin level and cholangitis in patients with biliary calculous disease.
Zhejiang Medical Journal