从钢焊缝超声波检测的适用范围、检测方法、试块、检测表面要求、功率和增益调节、缺陷评定、缺陷测量及分级等方面对标准JB/T 4730.3—2005和RCCM-MC2600—2007及补遗进行了对比和分析,目的在于使制造厂的操作者尽快掌握RCCM关于钢焊缝超声波检查的要点,保证产品符合技术质量要求。
Comparison and analysis of ferritic steel welds ultrasonic testing between JB/T 4730. 3--2005 and RCCM-MC2600--2007 with addendum were made and the main content consisted of scope, the methods of checking, calibration or reference block, examination condition, power and gain setting, the defect assess, measure and grade. The object of the article is to help operators of company and let them master key points of steel welds ultrasonic testing, to ensure that products meet the technical and quality requirements.
Nondestructive Testing