Ther connection technology of support syterm and primary mirror is one of the key technologies of larger Telscope.The connection can derectly effect the telescope image quality.Compared with the mechnical conncetion, the bond connection is lighter, cheaper and easier to fix.So it is used to connect the mirror and support sysyterm frequently. While as the materials of mirror and bond layer is different, there will be a strong thermal stress when the temperature changing.And the thermal stress will affect the mirror image quality.So the thermal strees of bond connection should be studied deeply.In this article, the thermal stress of bond connection was studied systermly by using finte element analy- sis method (FEM) .The support systerm of Mutiply mirror telescope (MMT) was borrowed to be analyzied.As the maxmum of thermal stress directlty affected the safety of the mirror.The maxmum of the thermal stress was got by computing the distribution of thermal stress.And the influence of the geometry factor, bound module and bound thick- ness to the maxmum of thermal stress was studied.
Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
bond connection
primary mirror support system
thermal stress
Finite element anlysys