中国石油大庆炼化公司1.8 Mt/a ARGG装置于1999年建成投产,主要以大庆常压渣油和减压渣油为原料,生产富含丙烯的液化石油气,并生产高辛烷值汽油。为满足清洁汽油生产的需要,2009年该装置进行了MIP-CGP技术改造。介绍了1.8 Mt/a ARGG装置催化剂配方调整和操作条件的优化情况。结果表明:反应温度522±2℃、剂油比6.2~6.7、催化剂活性61~62是该装置生产丙烯最合适的操作条件。催化剂择形分子筛ZSM-5的质量分数为5%时丙烯产率最高,过低时丙烯产率低,过高时干气、焦炭产率高。在保证液体收率基本不变的条件下,丙烯产率由8.65%提高到9.5%,全年多产丙烯19.7 kt,装置经济效益达到2 878×104RMB$。
The 1.8 MM TPY ARGG unit in PetroChina Daqing Petrochemical Co. , Ltd was started up in 1999 mainly to produce propylene-rich LPG and high octane gasoline from Daqing atmospheric residue and vacuum residue. To meet the requirements of producing clean gasoline, the unit was revamped with MIP-CGP process in 2009. The catalyst formula adjustment and optimization of operating conditions of the 1.8 MM TPY ARGG unit were introduced. The operation showed that the 522 + 2 ℃ reaction temperature, 6.2-6.7 catalyst to oil ratio and 61-62 catalyst activity were the most appropriate operating conditions of the unit for producing propylene. The 5.0% of shape-selective ZSM-5 molecular sieve in the catalyst is most favorable for product distribution and proyylene yield. The propylene yield is low when it is lower than 5 %, and dry gas and coke make are high when it is higher than 5%. The propylene yield can be increased to 9.5% from 8.65% while liquid yield remains unchanged. The annual increase of propylene production is 19.7 kt and annual economic benefit of the unit is 28.78 million Yuan RMB.
Petroleum Refinery Engineering
ARGG unit, propylene, catalyst, operating conditions, economic benefits