
2012英国教师标准改革述评 被引量:10

Reform on Teacher Education Standards in UK: The Process in England
摘要 2012年9月,英国教育部即将实施新的《教师标准》,以替代2007年开始实施的《教师职业标准》和英格兰教师协会2007年修订的《注册教师行为实践准则》两套教师标准。本文详尽地分析和对比了新旧标准的异同,并在结合英国教师教育新近改革的大背景下,对此次改革进行评述和展望。 In September 2012, Department for Education (UK) will implement the new version of "Teachers' Standards", replacing the existing 2007 version of "Professional Standards for Teachers" and the 2007 revised "Code of Practice and Conduct for Registered Teachers" from General Teaching Council for England (GTCE). In order to review and predict this reform, this paper analyses and compared the similarity and variation between the two standards, taking into consideration the greater context of UK' s teacher education reform. It can be declared that this new standard would only be a part of a deeper reform. And under the condition of institutional restructure, teacher education in UK will still be in a climate of change.
作者 唐一鹏
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第9期77-82,共6页 Global Education
关键词 英格兰 教师标准 改革 England teacher standard reform
  • 相关文献


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