本文根据天然水中大肠菌死亡率变化随时间呈指数衰减的规律,实验着重研究了河水在不同温度及日光照射条件下,大肠菌的死亡率变化.结果表明:河水中大肠菌死亡率变化属一级动力学反应(N=N_0·e^(-kt)).并由该公式求出了不同水温条件下的死亡率常数 K.
Based on the law that change of colifonm bacteria mortality as timegoes on in the natural waters assumes the exponential die-off,under different te-mperature and daylight conditions in the rivers,changes of coliform bacteria morta-lity were irvestigated in the this paper.The all experimental results show thatchanges of coliform bacteria mortality were following first-order Kinetics (equati-on:N=No·e^(-k(?))) in the rivers.The equation were used finding constant K of themortality in different waters temperature conditions.
Chongqing Environmental Science