Objective : To investigate the necessity and significance of Amniotic cell culture and chromosomal karyotype analysis for the high risk pregnant women in interim gestational weeks (18w- 23w) with prenatal diagnosis indication, and assess the importance of the different puncture indication in prenatal diagnosis for chrimosome disease. Methods: Analysis chromosome karyotype in the successful amniotic cell culture, detect the type of chromosomal abnormality, the rate of the chromosomal abnormal in different puncture indication and the distributive character of chromosomal abnormality. Results : The detectation rate of the chromosomal abnormality in the 1782 cases of successful analysis was 2.47% (44 cases). Among 44 cases abnormaI karyotype, 16 cases were euchromosome number abnomal, 14 cases were sex chromosome number abnornal, 14 cases were aberrations of chromosomaI structure ( translocation/insert) , 152 casess were chromosomal polymorphism. Conclusions: Prenatal screening and prenatal diagnosis was an effective method to reduce the birthrate of child with chromosome defects, in favor of reducing the birth defect rate and increasing the birth population quality.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
Prenatal diagnosis
Amniotic cell culture
Chromosome karyotype analysis