

Framework of Privacy Preservation and Intrusion Detection in WSN Data Fusion
摘要 在传感器网络中,隐私保护和入侵检测是一对矛盾关系,调和两者的矛盾非常重要。在传感器网络中传感数据融合是一个基本操作,研究隐私保护和入侵检测在传感数据融合中的关系并提出一个框架,可以探测错误数据融合,但不需要知道实际的传感数据内容,因而得以保证传感数据的隐蔽性。实验结果显示,实际的原始数据和聚合传感数据可以得到很好隐蔽的同时能够检测到大部分错误数据融合。 Privacy protection and intrusion detection in WSN is apparently conflict with each other and the coordination of these two is an important task. This paper discusses this problem in the context of sensor data fusion, and this is a fundamental operation in sensor network. A scheme that could detect the erroneously-performed data fusion without knowing the actual content of sensor data is proposed, thus allowing the sensor data to be concealed. The experiment results show that the actual content of raw data and fused sensor data could be well concealed and most erroneously- performed data fusion be detected.
作者 王翔 王强
出处 《信息安全与通信保密》 2012年第9期91-93,共3页 Information Security and Communications Privacy
关键词 传感器网络 数据融合 隐私保护 入侵检测 WSN data fusion privacy protection intrusion detection
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