
气候变化谈判战略的新思维(二) 被引量:4

New Thinking of Climate Negotiations Strategy
摘要 本文分析了在世界经济、政治、外交大背景的形势下,联合国UNFCCC气候变化谈判的新的发展和变化趋势。根据2011年底的《德班会议决议》,建立了《加强行动德班平台》的新的谈判机制。为2020年以后的新的有法律约束力的气候条约开展新的一轮谈判。本文着重指出,在气候谈判中应审时度势,即坚持原则也要采取新的谈判策略推进气候变化谈判。针对联合国气候变化谈判效率低、时间长等不足之处,提出一些加强气候变化谈判的并行和补充策略。本文回顾了1992年里约会议以来的20年进程,认为气候变化谈判重回原点,进展甚微。在新的气候变化谈判形势下,本文强调了中国政府、企业和民间的新角色和新策略。 This paper analyzes new developments and trends in the UNFCCC climate negotiations in today's global economic, political, and diplomatic environment. The "Durban Conference Resolution," adopted at the end of 2011, established the "Durban Platform for Enhanced Action," a new negotiation mechanism to develop a legally-binding climate treaty by 2020. The paper highlights the need to both support existing principles and create new strategies to progress climate change negotiations, and offers parallel and supple mentary strategies to strengthen negotiations in light of the slow progress of the UNFCCC process. It looks back at the 20 years since the 1992 Rio Convention and concludes that climate change negotiations have made very little progress. The paper emphasizes the roles and strategies of China's government, industry, and civil society in the new round of climate change negotiations.
作者 杨富强
出处 《中国能源》 2012年第8期20-23,34,共5页 Energy of China
关键词 气候谈判 未来发展 中国 Climate negotiations The future development China
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