针对混合结构房屋顶板与顶层墙体间的温差及弹性模量不同所产生的温度应力 ,介绍了 3种适用于不同情况下的温度应力分析方法 ,这些方法可用于顶层墙体温度应力的理论分析、工程设计及工程加固前鉴定过程中的温度应力验算 .按弹性理论 ,应力函数法属于较精确的温度应力分析方法 ;在实际结构计算中 ,由于用较精确分析方法计算复杂 ,可采用简化后的近似温度应力分析方法 ;当墙体开洞较多时 ,用弹性力学方法求解很复杂 ,实际设计中可采用结构力学方法分析温度应力 .
Temperature stresses are produced by the difference in temperature between top board and top wall and the difference of elasticity module parameter. Three analytical methods are given according to different conditions: more exact stress analytical method, simple stress analytical method and stress analytical method. Resisting temperature cracks design gist of top wall of mix structure is provided. Stress\|function\|method is adopted which belongs to more exact stress analytical method attributing to elastic theory. Simple stress analytical method is used due to the complexity of more exact stress analytical method, and structural dynamics method is adopted due to the complexity of elastic dynamics in actual structural design.
Journal of Daqing Petroleum Institute