
次氯酸钠用于根管冲洗研究进展 被引量:8

Research advance of sodium hypochlorite used in the root canal irrigation
摘要 根管冲洗对根管的消毒和清理起着重要作用,冲洗液可以通过冲洗碎屑、溶解组织和消毒根管系统而提高机械预备的效力。次氯酸钠(NaClO)是目前世界范围内临床上使用最广泛的根管冲洗液之一。本文就NaClO的作用及相应机制、提高使用效率的方法、不良反应、与其他冲洗液联合应用等方面做一综述。 Irrigation of the root canal plays the most important role in the disinfection and preparation ofthe root canal system. Irrigants can augment mechanical debridement by flushing out debris, dissolving tissue, and disinfecting the root canal system. Sodium hypochlorite is almost certainly one of the most common endodontic irrigants used worldwide. In this review, the specifics of the sodium hypochlorite are discussed, including its mechanism of action, property, different approaches to enhancing local efficacy and use in combination with other root canal irrigants.
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2012年第8期504-508,共5页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 次氯酸钠 根管冲洗 根管治疗 不良反应 sodium hypochlorite root canal irrigation root canal therapy adverse effects
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