
经术与诸子:廖平、蒙文通的经史传承与民国学术 被引量:2

Confucian Classics and Masterpieces of Other Schools:Inheritance from Liao Ping to Meng Wentong and Scholarism in the Republic of China
摘要 对经学价值的探讨是近代学术史的重要课题,从廖平到蒙文通的学术传承为研究这一问题提供了重要视角。蒙文通对经学的研究侧重于对学术自身发展与演进轨迹的探讨,他打破了传统经学研究的壁垒,注意到先秦诸子与经学之间的互动,并以此解释经学的周秦之变。基于对儒家经解的研究,他将诸子之学纳入儒学系统中探讨,形成了自己独特的经学研究方法。蒙文通经学研究方法的形成和他与其师廖平的学术传承密切相关。蒙文通虽然不认同老师廖平晚年的观点,但廖平的"大小"、"天人"学说却打通了诸子间的壁垒,且暗合中国传统学说整体化的时代趋势,从而为蒙文通的经学研究创造了条件。蒙文通在廖平经学研究的基础上,打破孔子的权威,也就在廖平处解放了诸子。蒙文通通过自己的研究,对清季民初的经学归宿为何的历史性问题给出了自己的答案,他用历史的眼光来看待经学的发展,但其治学宗旨是强调经学对中国历史、文化之特殊价值,从而为经学正名。 The value of Confucian classics is an important topic in modern academic history, the academic inheritance from Liao Ping to Meng Wentong provides an important viewpoint for the study on that problem. Meng Wentong focused on the academic development and evolution of the discussion, broke through study barriers of the traditional classics on Confucian classics, noticed the interaction between different schools, and explained shift of the classics from Zhou to Qin. With the study on Confucian classics, he looked into the Confucian philosophers in a system, and formed his own unique research method. The formation of his method is closely related to his mentor Liao Ping. Although Meng Wentong didn't agree with Liao's viewpoint in Liao's remaining years, Liao Ping's theory, such as "Daxiao" and "Tianren", broke through such barriers among different schools, and met the trend of the times, i. e. , integrating traditional Chinese theories as a whole, which laid a foundation for Meng Wentong's classics research. Based on Liao Ping's study on classics, Meng Wentong broke the authority of Confucius which actually put due emphasis on other schools. Through his own research, Meng gave his answer to the historical problem of where the study on Confucian classics should go at the turn of the Qing Dynasty and the first period of the Republic of China. He uses a historical perspective to look into the development of classics, but his aim is to emphasize the study on Chinese history, culture and special value through which to justify the Confucian classics.
作者 刘耀
出处 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期170-176,共7页 Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 经学 诸子学 廖平 蒙文通 经史传承 民国学术 Confucian classics masterpieces of other schools Liao Ping Meng Wentong inheritance of Confucian classics and history schoolarism in the Republic of China
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