
制造业服务创新应从价值路径研究 被引量:4

Research on Creating Value Path Through Service Innovation In Manufacturing
摘要 制造业越来越重视"通过服务创新竞争",营销科学学会也把识别出服务创新对企业价值的影响作为研究的优先内容,服务创新是制造业价值获取的重要来源。服务创新是制造业价值获取的重要来源。服务创新创造价值应从改变业务流程、改善顾客价值、提高顾客满意度、增强竞争力等四方面进行。 Although the manufacturing pay more and more attention to "competition through the service innovation", The orientation of Marketing Science Institute (2006)also take identifying the influence on the enterprise value through service innovation as a research priority content, Most scholars also points out, service innovation is an important source of the manufacturing industry for value obtaining. But there has been less research on the creating value path through service innovation and under what terms to create value. This paper, from the value management theory,, construct the four creating value path through service innovation: change business process;Improve customer value; Increase customer satisfaction; Enhance competitiveness, And put forward the two influence factors: industry competition strength and enterprise resource, which will provide certain reference value for empirical research and management practice.
出处 《经济与管理》 CSSCI 2012年第9期67-70,共4页 Economy and Management
基金 国家社会科学基金(010AGL009)
关键词 价值管理 服务创新 顾客满意度 竞争力 Value management Service innovation Customer satisfaction Competition
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