《输电结构基础设计和试验指南》(IEEE Std 691-2001)是由美国电气和电子工程协会输配电委员会主编,其成果经过了大量的试验验证,是美国输电线路基础设计的主要依据,在世界许多国家被广泛地采用和借鉴,了解其标准对我国的电力建设以及涉外工程有着重要意义。掏挖基础和挖孔桩基础是在输电线路中应用最为广泛的原状土基础型式,本文对中国和美国该基础型式的设计方法进行介绍和对比,结果可为输电工程技术人员提供参考。
《IEEE Guide for Transmission Structure Foundation Design and TestingS》 (IEEE Std 691-2001) is published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the clauses have been proved by a mass of tests, widely applied and used in many countries over the world. It is necessary to master the differences between Chinese code and American Standard. Digged tbundation is widely used in the Transmission line, computation formula for this foundation of Chinese code and IEEE Std 691-2001 are introduced below. The results can be used as a reference for designer of transmission line.
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