
“万村体育健身工程”建设存在主要问题的剖析及其对策 被引量:1

Discussion on the Main Problems and the Countermeasure for Construction of “Body-building Project in Thousands of Villages”
摘要 为了推进江苏省和谐社会建设和社会主义新农村建设,以江苏省"万村体育健身工程"存在问题为研究对象,采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法与逻辑分析法,对江苏省"万村体育健身工程"存在的问题进行深入地调查与研究。研究认为:工程建设中存在消极建设与混弄过关现象;农村体育场地的质量没有得到村民的认可;农村体育场地管理漏洞大,缺乏长效管理机制;标准化、模式化建设体育场地降低了农村体育场地的使用效率;农村群众体育活动开展偏少;农村社会体育指导员匮乏较为突出;村干部及村民的思想落后使农村体育工作的开展缺乏内动力等是江苏省"万村体育健身工程"建设存在的主要问题。提出建立新型农村体育组织;以活动促宣传,扩大农村体育的宣传力度;以联赛促活动,营造农村体育氛围;加强"万村体育健身工程"的升级与改造工作等对策。形成"政府行为"和"市场行为"有机结合,多方力量形成合力来共同促进我省新农村体育工作开展。 In order to promote the progress of building a harmonious society and a new socialist country side in J iangsu province, this research takes "Thousands of Villages' Body building Project" in J iangsu province as the object of study, adopts methods of literature review, interview, questionnaire survey, math ematical statistics and logical analysis,and carries out in depth investigation on the main problems of the construction of "Body building Project in thousands of Villages" in ]iangsu Province. According to the study, the main problems are: in the construction building, there is a negative mix get clearance phenome non; the quality of the sports venues have not been approved by the villagers; rural sports management loopholes in the absence of long-term management mechanism; standardization and modular constrtiction of sports venues to reduce the use of the rural sports efficiency; the rural masses to carry out relatively few sports activities;lack of social sports instructors in rural areas are more pronounced;the sports work in countryside lacks in motivation on the account that village cadres and villagers' thought lags behind. And then proposes establishing a new type of rural sports organizations; promoting the adw)cacy by activ- ities;expanding propaganda;leaguing and promoting activities to create an atmosphere of rural sports;era hancing upgrading and transformation of "Dody-building Project in thousands of Villages" in Jiangsu province,so to form a combined effort of "form of government behavior" and " form of market behavior ", a multi power form to work together to promote the implement of the sports work in the new rural are as in Jiangsu province.
出处 《首都体育学院学报》 北大核心 2012年第5期410-414,427,共6页 Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
基金 江苏体育局体育科技项目局管课题(TY6207)
关键词 万村体育健身工程 农村体育场地 新农村体育工作 Body-building Project in thousands of villages fitness venues in rural areas sports undertakingin new rural area
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