This study set 14 monitoring sections on Jilin City section of Songhua River to monitor water quality factors such as BOD5, CODMn, NH3 - N, TP, and DO, etc. of every section in the dry season, wet season and medium water season. Furthermore, fuzzy evaluation method and single index method was applied to evaluate the monitoring results. The evaluation results of single index method indicated that the water quality in dry season was Ⅳ class with BOD5 and CODMn as key pollution factors. The water quality in medium water season was V class with BOD5 as key pollution factor. The water quality in wet season was Ⅳ class with BODs and CODMn as key pollution factors. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation results show that the water quality of only three monitoring sections ( F, I, L) were aboveⅢ class. They all belong to Ⅳ class in the dry season. In the medium water season, two monitoring section (I, L) above Ⅳ class and J monitoring section is at V class, beyond that all are overmatch Ⅲ class. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is more suitable for evaluating the water quality of Jilin City section of Songhua River.
Environmental Science and Management
water quality evaluation
single index method
fuzzy comprehensive method
Songhua River