
TEM-4写作测试中便条的语类分析 被引量:1

Genre Analysis of Note Writing in TEM-4
摘要 本文以语类(Genre)及语类分析(Genre analysis)的相关理论为依据,以19篇TEM-4写作测试中便条的真题范例为语料,对其进行了语类分析。分析从格式、结构内容、语言和语言得体性展开,探索出便条的特殊语类特征。本研究旨在培养学生语类意识和社会文化意识,促进语言学习的基本技能,从而提高学生的应试能力,增强语用能力和实际交际能力。 Based on the theories of genre and genre analysis, the author conducted a multi-level discourse analysis on a corpus of 19 note-writing successful examples from past year exam paper of TEM-4, to explore the unique features of note writing as a genre from the aspects of form, content, language and appropriateness of language. In this way, the awareness of culture and genre of students can be aroused, and the basic skills of language learning can be facilitated so as to improve students" testing ability, pragmatic performance as well as communicative ability finally.
出处 《大学英语教学与研究》 2012年第4期93-96,共4页 College English Teaching & Research
关键词 语类分析 便条 TEM-4测试 genre analysis note writing TEM-4
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