
全球极端天气研究的情报学分析 被引量:9

Informational Analysis of Global Studies on Extreme Weather
摘要 随着全球气候持续变暖,各类极端天气频繁发生,所造成的灾害损失和影响也不断加重,因此,对极端天气的研究成为世界各国学者关注的重要课题。本研究检索了Web ofScience数据库中收录的关于极端天气研究的文献,统计和分析了这些文献的年发表量、文献类型、国家、发文机构、著者、来源、学科类别分布,并确定了高被引作者、高被引出版物和高被引文献,同时对高被引文献进行了共引聚类分析获得该领域的研究热点,从而了解极端天气研究的发展历程,客观反映当前该领域理论与实践研究的现状,并为今后更好的开展极端天气研究提供一定的参考。 As global climate keeps getting wanner, extreme weather occurs frequently, which results in more serious disas- ter and loss. Therefore, study on extreme weather has become an important issue on which the researchers gradually focus in sci- entific field. In this study, the authors collected literatures on extreme weather fi'om Web of Science. Then, statistical procedure was peffomaed in the following aspects: annual publication number, publication type, countries, institutes, authors, sources, and subject categories. And highly cited authors, publications, and literatures were determined. Moreover, co- citation cluster- ing analysis was performed for the highly cited literatures to explore the hot research topics in this field. By this informational anal- ysis, this paper aimed to discover the status and development in the field of extreme weather and provide the enlightenment and in- formation reference for researchers and decision makers to study better in the field.
出处 《现代情报》 CSSCI 2012年第9期9-15,19,共8页 Journal of Modern Information
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71073175)
关键词 极端天气 科学文献 共引 情报学分析 extreme weather scientific literatures co- citation informational analysis
  • 相关文献


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