
内皮祖细胞临床应用的研究进展 被引量:5

Clinical application of endothelial progenitor cells
摘要 内皮祖细胞是内皮细胞的前体细胞,在某些生理、病理状态下,可随血液流至相应组织,分化为内皮细胞,并进一步形成血管。内皮祖细胞参与血管新生的作用,对于创伤修复、缺血性疾病的治疗以及肿瘤的靶向治疗具有重要意义,在临床上具有广阔的应用前景。 Endothelial progenitor cells are the precursor cells of the endothelial cells.Under certain physiological and pathological conditions,they flow with the blood to an appropriate organization,where they differentiate into endothelial cells,and can form further blood vessels.The effect of endothelial progenitor cells’ participating in angiogenesis,may have great significance for wound healing,the treatment of ischemic disease and cancer targeted therapy.It has prospects for broad application in clinical practice.
出处 《国际病理科学与临床杂志》 CAS 2012年第4期356-360,共5页 Journal of International Pathology and Clinical Medicine
关键词 内皮祖细胞 血管新生 缺血性疾病 肿瘤 endothelial progenitor cells; angiogenesis; ischemic disease; cancer
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