Using the sensors to monitor the geo-hazards such as tailing pond is a useful way but the accuracy of meas- uring pressure is often inadequate. The pressure measurement with pressure cell can be affected by different factors such as temperature, surrounding material, stiffness and size of pressure cell. In all the factors the one from the mate- rial aspect is mostly obvious. This paper focuses on the affection of different mesh coal and depth on pressure ceils. In the same mesh and same force outside, measured pressure has the inverse relationship with the depth and the response time of measured pressure would reduce with the growth of the depth ( it needs time to be stable for the measured pres- sure) ; in the same depth and same force outside, measured pressure has direct proportion relationship with the mesh except large particles. In addition, the paper focuses on how arrangements of material and contact area affect the re- sponse time which is one index that reflects the performance of a sensor.
The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control