

k-partitioning problem with items' type restriction
摘要 研究有元素类型约束且每个元素权重为正数的κ-集合划分问题,元素类型约束指κ-划分后每个集合所包含的元素的类型均不同,该问题是对κ-划分问题(κ-partitioning problem)的一个拓展,在一人可拥有多技能执照的行业有广泛的应用背景,提出基于LPT算法思想的贪婪算法,并得出以下结论:κ≤2,该算法给出最优解:κ>2,最坏情况下的性能比为2-m^(-1),这里m指待分配集合的数量。 We consider a k-partitioning problem with items' type restriction. Items' type restriction means each set containing k distinct types' items. This problem is in fact an extended k-partitioning problem, and has a wide application in the industry where one person can hold multi-skill licenses. For solving it we propose a greedy algorithm and obtain the following conclusions: k ≤ 2, greedy algorithm get an optimal solution; k 〉 2, the performance ratio is 2 - m^-1.
出处 《运筹学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期93-99,共7页 Operations Research Transactions
关键词 k-划分问题 元素类型约束 LPT 最坏情况性能比 k-partitioning problem, items' type restriction, LPT, worst-case perfor- mance ratio
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