

On Ironical Effect Created by Anaphora in English Texts
摘要 回指语在语篇中的主要功能是替代,但有时候,它具有更重要的作用,即制造修辞效果,反讽则是其一。Yus的反讽理论为回指语制造反讽提供了依据,以该理论为基础可推导出回指语的反讽效应机制:回指语在提取旧信息时,激活了受话者的认知域,提供了新线索;新旧信息的综合与受话者的认知域相互作用,由此产生了反讽。同时,在先行项不同的情况下,回指语产生反讽的过程也不同。 The major function of anaphora is substitution in texts,but sometimes it plays a more significant role that it may create rhetorical effects,such as ironical effect.The irony theory of Yus lays foundations for anaphora's creating ironical effect,and its mechanism of creating ironical effect can be derived in light of the theory,which works as the following goes: anaphora activates readers and listeners'cognitive domains and provides new cues when retrieving the old information;the new and old information interacts with their cognitive domains,during which irony is produced.In addition,the processes of creating ironical effect vary with antecedents.
作者 刘艳春
出处 《长江师范学院学报》 2012年第7期82-86,139,共5页 Journal of Yangtze Normal University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"基于语料库的语篇回指研究"(09YJC740021)
关键词 回指语 反讽效应 认知域 先行项 线索 anaphora ironical effect cognitive domain antecedent cue
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