A glutaraldehyde (2.5%) was acted as couple agent, beef seurm albume ampicillin antigen (BSA-Am) and ovalbumin-ampicillin antigen (OV-Am) were synthesized, respectively. Antiseurm against ampicillin was prepared with BSA-Am served as immunogen injected into back skin of rabbit with a number spot, antiseurm was pured by saturated amonia sulfate, With1: 1000 optimum titre (ELISA). OV-Am was acted as a coated -plate antigen, played 4℃ through night, with 8ug/L otimum concentration, determination of ampicillin content in m by ELISA was developed, with 41℃ reactive temperature. Concentration of detective ampiciliin showed 5-160μg/L, the minimum detective hat was 2.5μg/L, recovery with 100%±5 %. The antibody against ampicillin revealed affinity of 1.14×10~7, with 100K and 98% cross reaction for ampicillin and penicillin G, respectively.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology